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Study abroad from Overseas to Hokkaido University of Education

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Japanese Education, Society, and Culture Research Course (Asahikawa Campus)

[B-3] Japanese Education, Society, and Culture Research Course (Asahikawa Campus)

1. Outline

A course designed for research about Japanese education and the society and culture that interact with it. Students would belong to either elementary or junior high education majors and carry out academic research in their chosen majors.?

2. Available Subjects

Students will be required to register for a total of 7 or more subjects from 1~3 below.

(1) Japanese Society and Language (2 subjects (required))

  • Contemporary Japanese Society I (1st semester), II (2nd semester)
    Students will learn about Hokkaido and Asahikawa geography and history in Japanese.
  • Japanese Language and Japanese Culture I (1st semester), II (2nd semester)
    Japanese language classes for foreign students will also introduce Japanese culture and education at the same time.

(2) Major seminar (1 subject (required) non-credit activity)

  • Students will carry out research in their field of study and participate in seminar activities with seminar members.

(3) Elective subjects (are required to take more than 4)
? ??(Examples of courses the previous students took and completed)

  • Psychological Development and Learning
  • Educational System, School Management and Society
  • Present Age and SocietyⅠ?Ⅱ
  • Present Age and Culture
  • Calligraphy of Japanese characters
  • Readings in Japanese Linguistics
  • Outline of Japanese History
  • Family Relations
  • Ainu LanguageⅠ?Ⅱ, etc.

3. Other Programs

  • School Visits and Class Observation
  • Japanese Cultural Experiences (Tea Ceremony, etc.)
  • Trekking in the Daisetsuzan National Park

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