







? ?Japanese Education, Society and Culture Research Course (Asahikawa Campus)

1.概要 Outline

A course that studies the interaction between Japansese education and Japanese society
and?culture. Students would engage in research in their specialization while being affiliated
with either?the elementary or junior high education majors.
Students would be able to choose among a wide variety of learning oppotunities, including
strong?offerings in Japanese calligraphy and arts and programs to study the geology, ecology,
and environment?of Hokkaido.

2.開設科目 Course Offerings

Students will be required to register for a total of 7 or more subjects from the following areas

? ? Classes for International Students (2 Courses (Required))

?「現代の日本社会」 北海道及び旭川の地理、歴史などを日本語をとおして学びます。?
? ? Contemporary Japanese Society - In this class, students will learn about the geography
? ??and history of Asahikawa and Hokkaido.
?「日本語と日本文化」 留学生のための日本語の授業で、同時に日本文化?教育について触れます。
? ? Japanese Language and Culture - This is a Japanese language class for international
? ? students that also touches on Japanese culture and education.?

? ??Study Group in the Student's Specialization (1 Course (Required) non-credit activity)

? ?Students will participate in the academic and social life of their specialization by joining
?? a study group.

? ??Elective Subjects (4 or more Courses)

? ? International students should take four or more courses at the Asakikawa campus based
on their own interests. In the past students have taken courses as diverse as Japanese
language, literature, calligraphy and skiing and kendo (Students should decise the specific
courses in cousultation with their academic advisors here and the intructors for each class.).

3.留学生履修プログラム(希望選択制)Program Offerings (These programs are offered but not required)

? *It is also possible to use these programs to fulfill the course requirements (2)and (3)
? ? above.
? ?Japanese Culture and Arts (a program to study Japanese calligraphy, military arts,
?? and other arts and culture)
? ? Japanese Language and Literature (a program to study Japanese language and literature,
? ? and Japanese society)
? ? Social Needs Education in Japan (a program to study special education in Japan)?
? ? Geology and Ecology in Hokkaido (a program to study the geology, ecosystem, and
? ? environment of Hokkaido)

4.留学生向け体験活動 Experiences

?近隣の学校訪問?交流 Visiting and interaction with local schools
?日本文化体験(茶道) Experiencing different aspects of Japanese culture (such as
? ?participating in a tea ceremony or ikebana)
?大雪山国立公園トレッキング(前期)Trekking in Daisetsuzan National Park
