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Study abroad from Overseas to Hokkaido University of Education

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Government Financed International Student

For students who wish to study abroad at Hokkaido University of Education [Government Financed International Student]

Hokkaido University of Education accepts (1)??international teacher training students,?(2)?international research students,(3) international undergraduate students, and (4) international students for Japanese language and culture study as government-financed international students.

1. International students for teacher training (Graduate level)


The training will be conducted at a teacher training university in Japan for in-service teachers or the like who are working in primary and secondary education institutions in overseas countries. Students participating in this program are required to complete six months of preliminary Japanese language study after enrollment and then receive educational training in accordance with the one-year training program established by the university.
The period of study abroad, including the preliminary Japanese language study period, is one year and six months.
Course Guide and List of Participating Teachers (English)(102.51 KB)

2. International research students (Graduate level)

International students who graduate from their own university and receive the graduate school level education and research instructions at Japanese university.


Students are recruited through overseas diplomatic establishments.
Students are required to complete six months of preliminary Japanese language study after enrollment.
The period of study abroad, including the preliminary Japanese language study period, is generally two years or less.


Students are recruited through our partner institutions.
The period of study abroad is one year and six months.

In-country recruitment

Students are recruited as government-financed international students from privately-financed international students who are planning on enrolling as undergraduate students.

3. Undergraduate international students (Undergraduate level)


This is a four-year undergraduate degree program for international students. Students are required to complete one year of preliminary study mainly focusing on learning Japanese language (at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies or Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Osaka University) before enrolling in the undergraduate degree program. The period of study abroad is five years.

In-country recruitment

This program is designed for privately-financed international students who are planning on enrolling in their final year of university to be recruited as government-financed international students. The recruited students are treated as regular undergraduate students.

4. International students for Japanese language and culture study (Undergraduate level)

This is a study abroad program aimed at providing a study opportunity in Japan for students who enroll in a Japanese language or Japanese culture-related undergraduate course at a university in their home country and major in the fields of Japanese and Japanese culture.
The period of study is 11 months.?


Students are recruited through overseas diplomatic establishments.


Students are recruited through our partner institutions.
Course Guide (Japanese)(294.99 KB)

*For details on the above-mentioned government-financed foreign student system, please refer to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology website.

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