Hokkaido University of Education sent experts in science education to improve science class teaching. At elementary schools in Sri Lanka, there is no class called “science,” and a class called ERA (Environmental Relative Activity) covers the science-related contents. In the ERA class, a variety of topics needs to be covered, and from the science education point of view, the curriculum itself has problems in terms of a lack of systematic and sequential programmability in the learning contents, a lack of science teachers, insufficient level of scientific literacy of teachers, and ineffective classroom management wherein the one hour classroom teaching does not meet the course objective. These factors are causing problems in the quality of education in classrooms.

In the science education improvement of this project, in order to improve teachers’ ability to prepare educational instruction plans and achieve efficient classroom management that enriches the one-hour lesson according to the objective, we aimed to establish a framework that allows the teachers and other local educational stakeholders to improve science education by themselves. To achieve this, teachers and other local educational stakeholders participated in an open classroom session study meeting.
Additionally, education improvement samples that can be used as instruction books for teachers to improve teaching were developed. This project aims at continuous implementation of in-school training and research/exchange activities at the zone level.
Experts from this university
- Minoru Tanaka: Professor of Science Education (Sapporo Campus) (Project period)
- Toshio Hasegawa: Professor of Science Education (Asahikawa Campus) (Project period)